Accession No./FMG ID S- : 3460
Author: Arnheim, M T W
Year published: 1972
Publisher: Clarendon Press
Accession No./FMG ID S- : 3441
Translated Title: The Colonna: Pictures of Rome's past, Volume 2
Author: Ross, Luise
Year published: 1912
Publisher: Klinkhardt & Biermann
Accession No./FMG ID S- : 3420
Author: Sebeos
Year published: 1999
Publisher: Liverpool University Press
Accession No./FMG ID S- : 3403
Author: [various]
Year published: 1961
Publisher: Clarendon Press
Accession No./FMG ID S- : 3370
Translated Title: Essays on the Diplomatic Code based on Ancient manuscripts in the Archives of Naples
Author: Minieri Riccio, Camillo
Year published: 1878
Publisher: R Rinaldi e G Sellitto
Accession No./FMG ID S- : 3350
Translated Title: The Marquis of Vélez (14th- mid 16th centuries)
Author: Franco Silva, Alfonso
Year published: 1995
Publisher: Real Academia Alfonso X el Sabio
Accession No./FMG ID S- : 3334
Translated Title: Icelandic sagas
Year published: 1998
Publisher: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft
Accession No./FMG ID S- : 3314
Translated Title: The Lords-Châtelains Isle-Adam from 1014 to 1814
Author: Darras, Eugène
Year published: 1939
Publisher: Imprimerie de Persan
Accession No./FMG ID S- : 3296
Translated Title: Byzantine-Slavonic medieval studies
Author: Dujcev, Ivan
Year published: 1965-1971
Publisher: Edizioni Di Storia e Letteratura
Accession No./FMG ID S- : 3280
Translated Title: Studies and preliminary work on the history of the United Frankish and Early German nobility
Author: [various]
Year published: 1957
Publisher: Eberhard Albert
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