

We shall be most grateful for any financial donations that you might wish to make to the Foundation to further our work in the field of medieval genealogical research. All money donated is put towards extending our research and our resources. All officers of the FMG are unpaid volunteers. You can make a donation online very easily through our secure online payment facility by clicking the button below:

We are also interested to receive relevant donations of materials such as books, journals, or digital transcriptions. It is only through the support of Users and Members that the Foundation can grow its potential. If you wish to do this please click here for a contact email. We will then let you know if the items can be accepted.


Financial or other bequests to the Foundation are welcomed. Please seek legal advice before preparing a will.

Bequests should be made " the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy of Oak House Vowchurch Hereford HR2 0RB England (an official Charity registered in England and Wales, number 1090387) absolutely and free of all taxes and duties payable by reason of my death...."

In the case of material resources, any intellectual property rights pertaining to the donor should be transferred to the Foundation, which must be granted the right to record, reproduce or publish the material as it sees fit, and to sell or otherwise dispose of any assets that are not required to fulfil the objects of the Foundation

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